Thursday, August 30, 2012

Reviewing the Adventist Review

August 16, 2012
Vol. 189, No.23

WORLD NEWS AND PERSPECTIVES is an important section of each magazine. I don’t usually report on its contents because it is available at the online address I provide with every review.

After I read this issue, it was the words that stuck in my mind. What follows are a sampling of phrases that are quintessentially Adventist.

…affirming the gay Adventists who choose to live celibate lives...

This attitude damages the idea of organ music...

…the national anthem was sung by someone who changed it to be more ‘modern.’

It is sobering to think…that we might often put food ahead of people.

He answers prayers our prayers in ways we may not see.

Do what is right because it is right, and leave the consequences with the Lord.

We voted on the right side of history.

Once you work here, you’re never the same.

Receiving voluntary donations, the lawsuit says, is often the ‘first step’ in someone’s interactions...

The Aeolians lifted our souls and the roof...

Jesus delights in putting us in situations in which He’s the only answer.

I’ve discovered that when I choose to praise God anyway, He moves.

The chief weapon in Jesus’ arsenal is verbal and nonverbal communication.

Unfortunately, how naive, even superstitious, such a belief would seem to those who dismiss the universal flood for the same reason they do a literal six-day creation of life on earth...

Contemplating the cross draws us into an intimate relationship with Jesus...

And that’s were too many believers are spending their time...

But to prevent a public scandal, they made arrangement to send me to another city...

Michele Bachmann could find herself beside Barak Obama. You might be surprised to be kneeling between Nancy Pelosi and John Boehner...

How times have changed. No longer do our guardian angels stand waiting at the doors of movie theaters. Now they sit right there with us, munching popcorn.

But during that short “ordeal,” a thought occurred to me. “Perhaps I love my phone too much.

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