Thursday, July 14, 2011

Reviewing the Adventist Review

June 16, 2011
Vol.188, No.17

This is a “how to” issue. Ellie Gil provides 12 steps that promote LIVING LIFE to the fullest. Ekkehardt Mueller suggests 7 strategies to deal with CONFLICT AND COMMUNICATION.

Additionally, we learn the President Wilson was the featured speaker at the Division Ministerial Council in Brazil (That guy avoids Silver Spring like the plague.), and Cliff Goldstein explains THE CLOSENESS OF THE SECOND COMING by reminding readers that death separates us from Heaven by just the blink of an eye. (Stop the presses!)

The SOUND BITE that made my day was submitted by Eric Shadle, pastor of the Richland SDA church in Washington State. I DO MOST OF MY SINNING WHEN I’M RIGHT.

Due to a variety of factors, time and old age being two of them, my future reviews will be limited to comments and reflections. I am counting on the Internet address provided to supply a brief summary of the content of each Review editorial, news release, and article. Once again, I suggest that Adventist members subscribe to the Review. “You snooze, and you lose” the opportunity to contribute to and influence a fellowship of eternal importance.

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